
Our company considers the verification by third parties as a guarantee of reliability of our work and a stimulus for continued growth. For this, we were the first in our sector to obtain the ISO 9002 certificate in 1993 related to quality in manufacturing, installation and assistance of products or services. We are proud of having obtained this certification in the 90’s because it underlines the pioneering spirit of the company, becoming certified before the norm became famous in the edition that everyone knows as ISO 9001.

Product certifications

Cyclos HTP

Cyclos HTP

Since 2020 we have started certifying some of our products with the Cyclos certification for recyclability issued by the Cyclos-HTP Institute (Institute for Product Recyclability and Responsibility).

Second life plastic

Second life plastic

We use post-consumer recycled material, which we incorporate at least 50% into our films intended for secondary or tertiary packaging.

OK Compost (TUV Austria)

OK Compost (TUV Austria)

Also in the field of compostable products, since 2015, thanks to the use of biodegradable and compostable material, we have obtained the OK Compost INDUSTRIAL EN 13432 certification.

ESG Awards and Ratings

OCS Project

OCS Project

At ITP we have always paid attention to environmental issues, investing in the constant improvement of our services to achieve low-impact objectives.

PRS Green Label

PRS Green Label

ITP obtained this recognition for having actively contributed to the circular model of the PRS company for the controlled reuse and shared use of CP (Chemical Pallet) type pallets for the European polymer industry.

Ethics and Sustainability

Benefit Company

Benefit Company

In July 2022 we became a Benefit Company, formalizing the commitment to pursue not only economic but also social and environmental goals, with an amendment to the company by-laws.

LCA studies

LCA studies

Life-Cycle Assessment – is an internationally structured and standardized method for quantifying the potential impacts on the environment and human health associated with a good or service.