Digital printing

date 29 March 2024

What makes a packaging unique?

There are countless variables to make packaging memorable: material, shape, finish, and graphics are the peculiarities that make packaging immediately recognizable. Through these “special signs,” packaging can tell the story of the product, performing a fundamental communicative, informative, and emotional function.

In some cases, the printing of original and eye-catching graphics identifies the company and individual products to the point of making them part of the collective imagination. Hence the importance of effectively and efficiently managing the graphic aspect of packaging.

The Synergy between Flexible Packaging and Digital Printing

Depending on the type of packaging and specific needs, different printing methods can be used, each with its own particularities and benefits.

In recent years, brands have begun to look more closely at packaging materials driven by needs for economic and environmental sustainability, usability, and customization and diversification of formats. Hence the development of flexible packaging, which, thanks to its shape and composition, adapts to the contents and helps preserve the integrity of products, while increasing their weight and bulk by very little due to the minimal use of material compared to other types of packaging.

80% of flexible packaging is used in the food sector (dry, fresh and frozen), the remaining 20% in a variety of sectors, including pharmaceutical, pet food, personal and household care. All of these markets are characterized by the need for protective and efficient packaging that can be easily adapted to the contents and customized.

Digital printing perfectly meets the need for flexibility through its customizability and fast turnaround time. That between flexible packaging and digital printing is a winning combination that enables the development of increasingly efficient and sustainable solutions.

Digital printing technology

Digital printing is a relatively new technique compared to other printing methods; taking advantage of an electronic process for sending files in digital format to the printing press, it imprints graphics and images directly onto their supports.

Because it does not require printing plates or matrices, it makes it possible to quickly change print files whenever the need arises.

This detail makes it more sustainable than other techniques, since the absence of plates results in less waste production. The high flexibility of the process also makes it suitable for short runs.

Unlike alternative methodologies, this option can be used on a wide range of printable media, but it is particularly well suited to small surfaces, as in the case of flexible packaging.

Benefits of digital printing

La stampa digitale garantisce una resa grafica molto elevata.

QUALITY: Digital printing offers excellent graphic output, equal to or better than other techniques, due to high color control.

La stampa digitale garantisce processi di lavorazione molto rapidi.

QUICK TIMING: Not requiring printing plates, digital technology enables a significant streamlining of procedures, which then leads to faster production and delivery.

La stampa digitale è adatta a diversi supporti e materiali.

VERSATILITY: Digital printing is suitable for most packaging formats and can be used on many different materials and supports. It is especially efficient in synergy with flexible packaging.

Non avendo necessità di impianti stampa, la tecnologia digitale consente tirature limitate.

SHORT RUNS: Digital printing is cost-effective since it also allows short runs and lowers the initial costs implied by traditional printing systems (flexography, screen printing or offset printing). It also offers the possibility of just-in-time ordering thus reducing storage burdens and material waste and is perfect for companies that frequently renew their offerings.

La stampa digitale consente la massima personalizzazione del packaging: dati variabili, collage, mosaici, anti frode, anti contraffazione, brand protectors.

PERSONALIZATION: Diversified graphics can be printed digitally and on different media always with very high quality levels. Limited edition packaging can be created, with graphic changes and always updated with the necessary information. Marketing campaigns with multi-graphic packaging can be created to engage customers more.

La stampa digitale rispetta l'ambiente riducendo gli sprechi e grazie agli inchiostri senza solventi.

SUSTAINABILITY: Solvent-free inks based on water or vegetable oils are available for digital printing, ensuring optimal results while respecting the environment and workers’ health. Digital printing is also sustainable because it allows the reduction of ink and material waste.

ITP’s digital printing services

ITP can provide high-profile printing solutions thanks to HP Indigo technology, which provides the flexibility to meet any need. HP Indigo is the most sustainable and efficient solution for on-demand flexible packaging production: printing the highest quality and value, with a non-stop production system that meets the needs of established as well as emerging brands.

Why choose ITP digitally printed packaging

  • Small/very small runs
  • No plant costs
  • Maximum product customization including:
    • Variable data (letters or numbers)
    • Collage (images or photos that change from pack to pack)
    • Mosaic
    • Anti-fraud / anti-counterfeiting / brand protectors
  • Possible banding combinations even with different repeat range